With Good Grief, I help breathe new life into a space that hasn't changed in a century, through people-centric and design-led thinking.

What I can do for you ⟶

  • By popular demand I am offering 1-hour calls to pick my brain on a trend topic, your idea or business question. Most of the time, this a structured conversation and sparring of insights.

  • I have prepared trend presentations on various topics for a wide range of organizations. They provide a high-level overview of a consumer or industry trend and key insights. These are often used internally to understand the big picture, guide innovation and strategic thinking.

    Example topics:

    • Grief in the digital age

    • The future of cemeteries

    • Sustainability & Death

    • Digital Immortality

    • The changing role of end-of-life planning

    • Remembrance – new approaches, rituals and designs

    • The status quo in Death Tech

  • To answer your specific questions and provide you with information that fits your brand and roadmap, I offer customized research projects. In addition to the content, the format for the reporting will also be adapted to fit your needs.

  • I have facilitated everything from structured brainstorming sessions to innovation workshops for small startups or larger brands, with the aim of putting trend insights into action immediately.

News ⟶

  • Reframing Death

    The narrative around death is no longer being avoided. To start exploring this broad and complex issue, I’ve been asked to share my thoughts.

    Article - English

  • You are going to die, so please have a nice Day!

    Grief Trends

    Death and mourning are heavy topics - but they don't necessarily have to be. Remembrance can also be colorful and cheerful, I tell the Schäbische.

    Article - German

  • Grief Support

    Grief Support

    Survey in the magazine 'Bestattung' of the Bundesverband Bestattungsbedarf on the topic 'Why should mourning be given more space at the funeral parlour?

    Article - German

  • Alles digital? (Live-Podcast aus Dortmund Stefanie Schillmöller und Stephan Neuser

    Digital Trends

    Live podcast interview for ’Todtal Digital’ during the German funeral trade fair FORUM BEFA in April 2024 BEFA trade fair.

    Podcast - German

  • Old Lady celebrates her own funeral Foto von Nashua Volquez-Young

    Living Funerals

    More and more people share the idea of attending their own funeral. Pallnetz interviewed me about the new trend of “living funerals”.

    Article - German

  • Thumbnail zum Newsletter

    Good Grief News

    Good Grief now has its own newsletter! Issue 1 brings you my takeaways from Germany's biggest funeral fair, BEFA.

    #1 Newsletter – English

  • Lilli Berger steht auf der TEDx Bühne in Potsdam und hält einen Vortrag über virtuelle Erinnerungsräume

    TEDx Speaker Coaching

    Coaching the TEDx speaker Lilli Berger for her talk on Virtual Remembrance, the future of grief

    Video – German

  • The future of death

    Interview with Austrian trend researcher Anne-Lisi Prem on death trends

    Podcast – English

  • How do we grieve digitally?

    Interview following the TODtal Digital conference in Berlin

    Podcast – German

  • Sustainable death trends

    I was interviewed by the blog Friedlotse on developments related to greener farewells

    Blogpost – German

  • About researching death

    A profile about my work as a trend researcher on the topic of death by German ‘Bestattung’ magazine

    Article – German

  • Challenges of digital immortality

    I wrote an article in German ‘Fachmagazin Bestattungskultur’

    Article – German

  • Online memorialization

    An article on how we remember our loved ones in the digital space for German ‘Bestattung’ magazine

    Article – German

I work with clients – including startups, known brands and research organizations – on trend, future, content and strategy projects.

If you would like to explore the possibility of working together, please drop me a note.