With Good Grief, I help breathe new life into a space that hasn't changed in a century, through people-centric and design-led thinking.
What I can do for you ⟶
By popular demand I am offering 1-hour calls to pick my brain on a trend topic, your idea or business question. Most of the time, this a structured conversation and sparring of insights.
I have prepared trend presentations on various topics for a wide range of organizations. They provide a high-level overview of a consumer or industry trend and key insights. These are often used internally to understand the big picture, guide innovation and strategic thinking.
Example topics:
• Grief in the digital age
• The future of cemeteries
• Sustainability & Death
• Digital Immortality
• The changing role of end-of-life planning
• Remembrance – new approaches, rituals and designs
• The status quo in Death Tech
To answer your specific questions and provide you with information that fits your brand and roadmap, I offer customized research projects. In addition to the content, the format for the reporting will also be adapted to fit your needs.
I have facilitated everything from structured brainstorming sessions to innovation workshops for small startups or larger brands, with the aim of putting trend insights into action immediately.
News ⟶
Reframing Death
The narrative around death is no longer being avoided. To start exploring this broad and complex issue, I’ve been asked to share my thoughts.
Article - English
Grief Trends
Death and mourning are heavy topics - but they don't necessarily have to be. Remembrance can also be colorful and cheerful, I tell the Schäbische.
Article - German
Grief Support
Survey in the magazine 'Bestattung' of the Bundesverband Bestattungsbedarf on the topic 'Why should mourning be given more space at the funeral parlour?
Article - German
Digital Trends
Live podcast interview for ’Todtal Digital’ during the German funeral trade fair FORUM BEFA in April 2024 BEFA trade fair.
Podcast - German -
Living Funerals
More and more people share the idea of attending their own funeral. Pallnetz interviewed me about the new trend of “living funerals”.
Article - German
Good Grief News
Good Grief now has its own newsletter! Issue 1 brings you my takeaways from Germany's biggest funeral fair, BEFA.
#1 Newsletter – English
TEDx Speaker Coaching
Coaching the TEDx speaker Lilli Berger for her talk on Virtual Remembrance, the future of grief
Video – German
The future of death
Interview with Austrian trend researcher Anne-Lisi Prem on death trends
Podcast – English
How do we grieve digitally?
Interview following the TODtal Digital conference in Berlin
Podcast – German
Sustainable death trends
I was interviewed by the blog Friedlotse on developments related to greener farewells
Blogpost – German
About researching death
A profile about my work as a trend researcher on the topic of death by German ‘Bestattung’ magazine
Article – German
Challenges of digital immortality
I wrote an article in German ‘Fachmagazin Bestattungskultur’
Article – German
Online memorialization
An article on how we remember our loved ones in the digital space for German ‘Bestattung’ magazine
Article – German
I work with clients – including startups, known brands and research organizations – on trend, future, content and strategy projects.