My Inspiration ⟶

Three years ago my great aunt Ilse died.

This is her, with my late grandfather Rolf. I supported her end of life care and was involved in the plethora of decisions that overwhelm families, and turn grief into a bureaucratic nightmare.

Portrait Stefanie Schillmöller

The anonymous and standardized end to the life of a loved individual was shocking to me.

Outdated, wearing, unappealing, and absent of any aspects of personalisation, sustainability and digital innovations, the process dehumanised grief and seemed weirdly stuck in the past.

Motivated by this experience, I started my own research on trends and new developments around death, grief and remembrance.

My goal is to paint a different, more modern and healing picture, to support new ideas in this area and to help companies to initiate positive change.

My Mission ⟶

Breathe new life into death

Discover and discuss trends and innovation in an industry that hasn’t evolved much in over a century

Put the end of life center stage

Trigger conversations and new thinking about death, and inspire the living

From taboo to treasure

Bring planning & end of life care to the forefront and inspire new rituals for farewell, grief and memorialization

From administration to appreciation

Help build customercentricity and a focus on designing better experiences, and unlock a tremendous growth market

We are all going to die. Nevertheless, the end of life is still one of the taboos in Western societies. Time to ask ourselves why!

If you are interested in learning more about my work and how I may be able to support you, please see the options below: